Last week the team attended the 87th World Library and Information Congress with IFLA in the beautiful city of Dublin, 3 years since the last face to face WLIC event. The expo took place on the 26th, 27th and 28th July at the Convention Centre in the centre of Dublin and similarly to the CILIP Expo earlier in July, the team were excited at the prospect of meeting new and existing clients in the information professional community.

With over 2,000 delegates from 100 countries, it was a great opportunity to widen our network of contacts and clients to outside of the UK. Initially our objectives in attending the event were to raise brand awareness, similar to the objectives of the CILIP expo earlier last month. With a steady flow of visitors to our stand, the team were delighted with the responses to our rebrand, interest in our technology and implementation of RFID and self-service solutions.
An in-person event is always better than a virtual one, especially when we get the chance to show our technology to new customers. The event wasn’t as busy as the team were expecting but the interest in our technology was fantastic to hear, and the team came away after some very promising conversations and demonstrations of our kiosk and Live Scanning Wand with visitors both in and outside the UK.
The ratio of visitors to our stand at this event was almost entirely opposite to that at CILIP with 1 in 6 visitors being an existing customer and the remaining 5 in 6 being new prospective customers. The team enjoyed exploring the expo as well as talking to clients, taking in other exhibitor’s stands and offerings.

After our attendance to CILIP in early July, we made some changes to our stand and the team were very pleased with the new and improved stand.
We are looking forward to speaking with everyone who popped by our stand over the next few months and understanding how AdvaNova can assist with their needs.
One thing we’ve definitely taken away from the event is that people still love to get freebies from events like this so we’ll definitely keep that in mind for our next event!