Access control and enriched data analysis at the University of Sunderland

With a student population of over 20,000, the University of Sunderland is renowned for being a centre of education, with the ancient St Peter’s church, built in 674AD,  providing the setting for the university’s award-winning Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St Peter’s.

The students at the university are serviced by two libraries, the Murray Library (City Campus) and St Peter’s Library (Sir Tom Cowie Campus), both oering a combination of staed and self-service opening hours.

The requirement for an improved access control solution came about due to the need for increased security at the libraries. Rachel Dolan, Campus Library Manager explains,” We needed a way of improving security at both sites, in particular at The Murray Library which is based in the city centre. We wanted to be able to track student usage of the libraries, but also to provide a physical barrier as a way of ensuring that only authorised staff, students and visitors could gain access to the facility.”

Rachel and the Estates department at the university were introduced to AdvaNova after receiving  recommendations from other libraries, and subsequently made the decision to go ahead with the installation after visiting sites with turnstiles in use at the Universities of Durham and Manchester.

Sunderland University

AdvaNova installed Fastlane Glassgate 150 turnstiles at the University of Sunderland to  control and monitor access to their libraries across two busy sites.


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