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How AI And Big Data Help Improve Libraries

Libraries, like any other future-savvy organisation, are beginning to harness the power of new technologies to make services better for both staff and users.

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is essentially the process of making intelligent machines, particularly intelligent computer programmes. Facilitating the use of AI in libraries will revolutionise the way these organisations operate and deliver services moving forward. 

Big data is a significantly large amount of information that is constantly increasing in size and diversity. The three threads of big data are: the speed at which it is created, the volume of captured data and the variety of data collected. 

The digitalisation of work processes is transforming the library landscape so that all stakeholders can experience a new level of enriched service. These innovations will help libraries work with traditional structured information they are familiar with, as well as the collection and analysis of important consumer-led data

It’s a fact that having crucial technological solutions in place will enable libraries to manage the collection, collation and analysis of data to help staff and consumers access resources or space to an optimal degree. So, how can big data and AI help improve library environments for all?

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Evolve Efficiency

These days, everyone is looking for ways to streamline their processes to create more cost-effective, refined practices. When library staff have access to relevant and instructive data, they are able to gain more insight into the user journey, analysing popular titles, spaces and resources to further understand trends. This quality of data research can inform purchasing and product or service decisions so that organisations can put their resources to best use. 

With Sentry Cloud, AdvaNova can support libraries in scrutinising the use of space with an occupancy dashboard and can deliver configurable, tiered reports that are personalised to the exact requirements of each library. We can also help organisations with the beneficial use of IoT (Internet of Things). This can provide real-time data that empowers libraries in assessing how space is utilised and to make decisions around how locations can be managed to suit consumers’ needs. 

In fact, due to the feedback received at our latest 360 event, we are exploring both heat mapping and noise tracking capabilities. This is to further enhance how our products can help organisations perform a higher concentration of user analysis, so customers get exactly what they need from the library setting.

Hologram projector screen with cloud system technology

Increase Security

There’s no doubt that any organisation can be subject to hacking attacks. Cybersecurity is essential in protecting against these incidents. When customers share their personal information with organisations, they want to know this will be safeguarded

Big data analytics can help libraries to detect issues and concerns, such as questionable user activity or irregular interest on their server. 

Sentry is an innovative technology that delivers enhanced security within a personalised system. Sentry works with existing library systems and provides a first-class interconnected solution for libraries and their users.

Man on a laptop with a security graphic over the top

Enhance Search

New technologies coming on board will help users and library staff refine search processes, so customers are able to retrieve a vast amount of information that was previously inaccessible. 

Sentry not only provides extensive access control and reporting facilities, but it can provide comprehensive transaction and booking data, tracking items to elevate the information journey for users. 

Empower Users

AI can provide libraries with the ability to apply superior search results through data mining of loan record patterns. Demand analysis is vital in forecasting the use of new and existing titles. 

These tools can help plan a library’s collection so technology is optimised to develop library catalogues, creating efficiencies through space management and resource organisation.

Harness The Power Of Technology With AdvaNova

Helping libraries evolve their services so users gain a complete experience is at the centre of our solution development.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your services, get in contact and we can talk through your requirements. Our aim is to deliver advanced technology to help your customers get the most out of their library.

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